姓 名:赵敏娟
职 称:二级教授(博士生导师)
2003.09–2004.09,圭尔夫大学(Guelph University, Canada)农业与自然资源经济系,访问与合作研究
2005.08–2009.08,康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut, USA) 农业与自然资源经济专业,农业与自然资源经济学博士
2.史恒通,赵敏娟.《渭河流域粮食作物虚拟水贸易——基于非市场价值的视角》, 社会科学文献出版社,2017年
3.樊辉,赵敏娟.《流域生态补偿: 基于全价值的视角》, 社会科学文献出版社,2018年
5.赵敏娟,夏显力.《情系“三农”, 振兴乡村——研究生寒假调研优秀作品汇编》,西北农林科技大学出版社,2018年
3.农业农村部重点专项,“‘十三五’‘十四五’国家现代农业产业技术体系(燕麦荞麦)产业经济” (CARS-07-F-1),2016.01-2025.12
12.日本农业科学国际研究中心(Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, JIRCAS)项目,“Elucidation of value in the current production and distribution of buckwheat”,2016.04-2025.03
14.中国林业和草原局软科学项目,“纳入全价值的草原生态恢复管理体制评价与优化对策”,2019.07 -2022.06
17.日本国际农林水产业研究中心项目,“Analysis of agricultural production and distribution technology trends in major Asian regions”(JRCAS/a1C1)2021.06-2026.03
[1] 彭凌志,赵敏娟*.农村集体产权制度改革对县域经济发展的影响——来自中国1873个县域的证据[J/OL].中国农村经济,2024(02):112-130[2024-05-04].
[2] 赵敏娟*,石锐.“双碳”目标下农业绿色发展的内涵、挑战及路径选择[J].社会科学辑刊,2024(02):162-171+239+241.
[3] 张文娥,罗宇,赵敏娟*.风险偏好如何影响农户“粮改饲”参与行为?——基于信贷的中介效应和风险感知的调节效应[J].西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版),2024,24(01):99-109.
[4] 张文娥,罗宇,高军军,赵敏娟*.互联网使用促进农户参与“粮改饲”了吗?——基于农牧交错带农户调研的微观证据[J].中国农业大学学报,2024,29(03):287-300.
[5] 赵雪,石宝峰,盖庆恩,吴比,赵敏娟.以融合促振兴:新型农业经营主体参与产业融合的增收效应[J].管理世界,2023,39(06):86-100.
[6] 史雨星,赵敏娟.关系网络、社会互动与牧户草场转入行为——草场流转市场转型期社会资本作用的再审视[J].农业技术经济,2023(01):45-59
[7] 贾亚娟,叶凌云,赵敏娟*.村庄制度对农村居民生活垃圾分类治理行为的影响研究——基于计划行为理论的分析[J].生态经济,2023,39(09):199-205.
[8] 史雨星,赵敏娟*.关系网络、社会互动与牧户草场转入行为——草场流转市场转型期社会资本作用的再审视[J].农业技术经济,2023(01):45-59.
[9] 齐甜,畅倩,姚柳杨,赵敏娟*.农业保险促进保护性耕作了吗?——以三大粮食主产区为例[J].干旱区资源与环境,2023,37(07):75-83..
[10] 谷满仓, Hsiaoping Chien ,吴文超,赵敏娟*.价值感知、风险规避对粮食种植户气候适应性行为的影响——来自黑豫湘3省1145份农户调研的证据[J].干旱区资源与环境,2023,37(07):66-74.
[11] 畅倩,邓悦,赵敏娟*.生产环节外包能否助力中国粮食安全?——来自粮食主产区的证据[J].华中农业大学学报(社会科学版),2023(04):11-24.
[12] 刘霁瑶,池书瑶,赵敏娟*.农药包装废弃物回收补偿政策:农户偏好及其社会福利分析[J].华中农业大学学报(社会科学版),2023(03):79-90.
[13] 康健,谢先雄,赵敏娟*.客户关系集中度、企业生命周期与持续性创新[J].统计与决策,2023,39(15):183-188.
[14] 贾亚娟,周星,赵敏娟*.农村居民生活垃圾分类意愿与行为悖离的影响研究——基于村庄环境、村庄制度的调节效应[J].江苏大学学报(社会科学版),2023,25(05):70-85.
[15] 张思阳,罗宇,谢先雄,赵敏娟*.基于TPB-PMT理论的农户休耕意愿影响因素研究[J].干旱区资源与环境,2023,37(05):61-68.
[16] 畅倩,蔡瑜,赵敏娟*.生产环节外包与农业环境技术效率的“U”型关系——来自中国粮食主产区的证据[J].西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版),2023,23(02):138-150.
[17] 张永旺,周欣欣,赵敏娟*,等.黄河流域九省区特色农业高质量发展评价及路径选择[J].经济问题探索,2023(09):53-64.
[18] 黄毅祥,张欣玉,赵敏娟*.杂粮消费行为的健康驱动机制——来自荞麦主产8省份的微观调研[J].世界农业,2022(10):57-69.
[19] 杨克文,赵敏娟*.互联网使用、就业表现与农民健康——基于2016年中国劳动力动态调查数据的研究[J].中国经济问题,2022(02):121-136.
[20] 赵敏娟*,姚柳杨,李超琼,等.农业生态富民的作用机理、实施困境与政策选择[J].环境保护,2022,50(16):18-21.
[21] 张文娥,罗宇,赵敏娟*.社会网络、信息获取与农户农膜回收行为——以黄河流域农户为样本[J].农林经济管理学报,2022,21(01):40-48.
[22] 赵敏娟,石锐,姚柳杨*.中国农业碳中和目标分析与实现路径[J].农业经济问题,2022(09):24-34.
[23] 倪琪,张思阳,刘霁瑶,赵敏娟*.公众参与跨区域流域生态补偿的行为研究[J].软科学,2022,36(05):109-114.
[24] 金博宇,畅倩,赵敏娟*.非农就业对农村居民家庭消费的影响——基于家庭生命周期的倒U型调节效应[J].西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版),2022,22(05):98-107.
[25] 卢玮楠,刘霁瑶,赵敏娟*.黄河流域农业用水效率的动态演进与收敛性[J].西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版),2022,22(04):123-134.
[26] 史雨星,赵敏娟*.社会资本、信息渠道对牧户草场转入行为的影响——基于草场流转市场转型背景的分析[J].西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版),2022,22(01):115-128.
[27] 史雨星,秦国庆,赵敏娟*等.邻里效应对牧户载畜率决策的影响——北方牧区的经验证据[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2022,32(01):155-167.
[28] 贾亚娟,赵敏娟*.环境污染感知对农村居民生活垃圾源头分类意愿的影响——兼论责任意识的中介效应[J].江苏大学学报(社会科学版),2022,24(04):54-65+124.
[29] 石宝峰, 赵敏娟, 夏显力, 罗必良. 坚持农业农村优先发展:理论创新与实践探索—第四届中国农业经济理论前沿论坛综述[J].经济研究,2021(05):204-209.
[30] 刘霁瑶, 倪琪, 姚柳杨, 卢玮楠, 赵敏娟*. 农药包装废弃物回收差别化补偿标准测算——基于陕西省1060个果蔬种植户的分析[J].中国农村经济,2021,(06):94-110.
[31] 畅倩, 颜俨, 李晓平, 张聪颖, 赵敏娟*. 为何“说一套做一套” —农户生态生产意愿与行为的悖离研究[J].农业技术经济,2021,4(04):85-97.
[32] 崔瑜, 刘文新, 蔡瑜, 朱俊, 赵敏娟*. 中国农村绿色化发展效率收敛了吗—基于1997—2017年的实证分析[J].农业技术经济,2021,4(02):72-87.
[33] 贾亚娟, 赵敏娟*. 生活垃圾分类治理:基于选择实验法的阳光堆肥房农户合作偏好[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2021,31(04):108-117.
[34] 邓悦, 崔瑜, 卢玮楠, 赵敏娟*. 市域尺度下中国农业低碳发展水平空间异质性及影响因素—来自种植业的检验[J].长江流域资源与环境,2021,30(01):147-159.
[35] 倪琪, 徐涛, 李晓平, 刘霁瑶, 赵敏娟*. 跨区域流域生态补偿标准核算—基于成本收益双视角[J].长江流域资源与环境,2021,30(01):97-110.
[36] 谢先雄, 邓悦, 杜瑞瑞, 赵敏娟*. 资产专用性可促进休耕后农户复耕吗? —来自西北生态严重退化休耕试点区的实证证据[J].西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版),2021,21(03):115-124.
[37] 谢先雄, 邓悦, 刘霁瑶, 卢玮楠, 赵敏娟*. 休耕对农户非农就业的影响[J].资源科学,2021,43(02):280-292.
[38] 谢先雄, 史雨星, 熊悦伶, 赵敏娟*. 牧民参与草原社区治理决策意愿及影响因素—基于内蒙古406户牧民的两阶段实证[J].中国农业资源与区划,2021,42(04): 108-117.
[39] 谢先雄,赵敏娟*,康健,等.休耕能实现生态改善与农户增收的双赢吗——来自西北生态严重退化休耕试点区的准实验证据[J].农业技术经济,2021(12):33-45.
[40] 胡卫卫, 赵敏娟*. 秩序重构与整体协同:巡察村居推进乡村综合治理的运作逻辑[J]. 中共天津市委党校学报,2021,23(02):52-60.
[41] 薛文田, 周宇, 康健, 赵敏娟*. 不同经营规模农户杂粮生产技术效率研究—以四川省凉山彝族自治州为例[J].中国农业资源与区划,2021,42(02):184-191.
[42] 畅倩,张聪颖,王林蔚,赵敏娟*.非农就业对黄河流域中上游地区农户种植结构的影响[J].中国农村经济,2021(11):89-106.
[43] 刘霁瑶,贾亚娟,池书瑶,赵敏娟*.污染认知、村庄情感对农户生活垃圾分类意愿的影响研究[J].干旱区资源与境,2021,35(10):48-52.
[44] 张文娥,罗宇,谢先雄,赵敏娟*.资本禀赋对牧户参与草原生态治理行为的影响——基于内蒙古中部农牧交错带427户牧户的调研数据[J].干旱区资源与环境,2021,35(12):15-22.
[45] 徐瑞璠,刘文新,倪琪,赵敏娟*.风险感知、政府信任与城镇居民生态补偿支付水平——基于渭河流域572户的微观实证[J].干旱区资源与环境,2021,35(04):10-16.
[46] 谢先雄, 赵敏娟*, 蔡瑜, 邓悦. 农地休耕如何影响农户收入? —基于西北休耕试点区1240个农户面板数据的实证[J].中国农村经济,2020,431(11):64-80.
[47] 赵敏娟*. 智慧农业的经济学解释与突破路径[J].学术前沿,2020,(4):(24):70-78
[48] .畅倩, 李晓平, 谢先雄, 赵敏娟*. 非农就业对农户生态生产行为的影响—基于农业生产经营特征的中介效应和家庭生命周期的调节效应[J].中国农村观察, 2020(01):76-93.
[49] 贾亚娟, 赵敏娟*. 农户生活垃圾分类处理意愿及行为研究—基于陕西试点与非试点地区的比较[J].干旱区资源与环境,2020,34(05):44-50.
[50] 张思阳, 赵敏娟*, 应新安, 牛方妍. 社会资本对农民工返乡创业意愿的影响效应分析—基于互联网嵌入视角[J].农业现代化研究,2020,41(05):783-792.
[51] 蔡瑜, 徐涛, 赵敏娟*. 农户分化视角的杂粮生产效率研究—以陕北定边县为例[J]. 农业经济与管理, 2019(05):74-85.
[52] 贾亚娟, 赵敏娟*. 环境关心和制度信任对农户参与农村生活垃圾治理意愿的影响[J].资源科学,2019,41(08):1500-1512.
[53] 贾亚娟, 赵敏娟*, 夏显力, 姚柳杨. 农村生活垃圾分类处理模式与建议[J].资源科学,2019,41(02):338-351.
[54] 史恒通, 睢党臣, 吴海霞, 赵敏娟*. 公众对黑河流域生态系统服务消费偏好及支付意愿研究—基于选择实验法的实证分析[J].地理科学,2019,39(02):342-350.
[55] 史雨星, 李超琼, 赵敏娟*. 非市场价值认知、社会资本对农户耕地保护合作意愿的影响[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2019,29(04):94-103.
[56] 颜俨, 姚柳杨, 郎亮明, 赵敏娟*. 基于Meta回归方法的中国内陆河流域生态系统服务价值再评估[J].地理学报, 2019,74(05):1040-1057.
[57] 张瑶, 徐涛, 赵敏娟*. 生态认知、生计资本与牧民草原保护意愿—基于结构方程模型的实证分析[J].干旱区资源与环境,2019,33(04):35-42.
[58] 赵敏娟*. 中国现代生态农业的理论与实践[J].学术前沿,2019(19):24-31.
[59] 夏显力, 陈哲, 张慧利, 赵敏娟*. 农业高质量发展:数字赋能与实现路径[J].中国农村经济, 2019(12):2-15.
[60] 周宇, 康健, 赵敏娟*. 社会资本对农户参与合作社决策行为的影响[J].农业现代化研究,2019,40(02):226-233.
[61] 徐涛, 史雨星, Chien Hsiaoping, 乔丹, 赵敏娟*. 多维贫困与农户杂粮生产技术效率—基于凉山彝族自治州的微观数据分析[J].重庆大学学报(社会科学版), 2019,25(02):14-27.
[62] 李晓平, 谢先雄, 赵敏娟*. 资本禀赋对农户耕地面源污染治理受偿意愿的影响分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2018,28(07):93-101.
[63] 史恒通, 睢党臣, 吴海霞, 赵敏娟*. 社会资本对农户参与流域生态治理行为的影响:以黑河流域为例[J].中国农村经济, 2018(01):34-45.
[64] 史雨星, 姚柳杨, 赵敏娟*. 社会资本对牧户参与草场社区治理意愿的影响—基于Triple-Hurdle模型的分析[J].中国农村观察, 2018(03):35-50.
[65] 谢先雄, 李晓平, 赵敏娟*, 史恒通. 资本禀赋如何影响牧民减畜—基于内蒙古372户牧民的实证考察[J].资源科学,2018,40(09):1730-1741.
[66] 徐涛, 赵敏娟*, 李二辉, 乔丹, 陆迁. 规模化经营与农户"两型技术"持续采纳—以民勤县滴灌技术为例[J].干旱区资源与环境, 2018,32(02):37-43.
[67] 赵玮, 赵敏娟*,异质性预期下宏观审慎政策与货币政策的协调效应,财贸经济,2018(04):35-50.
[68] 徐涛, 赵敏娟*, 李二辉, 乔丹. 技术认知、补贴政策对农户不同节水技术采用阶段的影响分析[J].资源科学,2018,40(04):809-817.
[69] 徐涛, 赵敏娟*, 乔丹, 史恒通. 外部性视角下的节水灌溉技术补偿标准核算—基于选择实验法[J].自然资源学报,2018,33(07):1116-1128.
[70] 徐涛, 赵敏娟*, 乔丹, 姚柳杨, 颜俨. 农户偏好与“两型技术”补贴政策设计[J].西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版),2018,18(04):109-118.
[71] 徐涛, 赵敏娟*, 乔丹. 内陆河生态系统恢复效益评估—以黑河流域为例[J]. 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2018,18(04):127-136+160.
[72] 颜俨, 姚柳杨, 徐涛, 赵敏娟*. 空气污染治理的公众偏好及政策评价—以西安市雾霾治理为例[J].干旱区资源与环境,2018,32(04):19-25.
[73] 赵敏娟*, 刘霁瑶. 水资源多目标协同配置:全价值基础上的框架研究[J].中国环境管理, 2018,10(05):8-14.
[74] 史恒通, 睢党臣, 徐涛, 赵敏娟*. 生态价值认知对农民流域生态治理参与意愿的影响—以陕西省渭河流域为例[J].中国农村观察,2017(02): 68-80.
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[93] Yujie Shen, Rui Shi, Liuyang Yao, Minjuan Zhao *. Perceived value, government regulations, and farmers’ agricultural green production technology adoption: evidence from China's Yellow River Basin[J]. Environmental Management, 2024, 73(3): 509-531.
[94] Yuxing Shi, Chaoqiong Li, and Minjuan Zhao *. Can Grassland Rental Lead to Herders’ Rotational Grazing Under the Grassland Household Responsibility System? Evidence from Pastoral Areas in Northern China[J]. Environmental Management, 2024, 73(3): 546-562.
[95] Qian Chang , Congying Zhang , Hsiaoping Chien , Wenchao Wu, Minjuan Zhao *. Impact of outsourcing agricultural production on the frequency and intensity of agrochemical inputs: evidence from a field survey of 1211 farmers in major food-producing areas in China[J]. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2024, 26(4): 9577-9602.
[96] Rui Shi Yujie Shen, Ruirui Du, Liuyang Yao, Minjuan Zhao *. The impact of agricultural productive service on agricultural carbon efficiency—From urbanization development heterogeneity[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 906: 167604.
[97] Minjuan Zhao *,Rui Shi;Du Ruirui; et al. The pathway to China's carbon–neutral agriculture: Measures, potential and future strategies[J]. Chinese Political Science Review, 2023, 8(2): 304-324.
[98] Yu Cui;Sufyan Ullah Khan;Johannes Sauer; Gorm Kipperberg, Minjuan Zhao *. Agricultural carbon footprint, energy utilization and economic quality: What causes what, and where?[J]. Energy, 2023, 278: 127886.
[99] Aftab khan, Sufyanullah Khan, Liuyang Yao, Zaid Ashiq Khan, Uzair Ali, Minjuan Zhao *. Exploring stakeholder preferences and spatial heterogeneity in policy scenario analysis for vulnerable ecosystems: A choice experiment approach[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 153: 110438.
[100] Boyu Jin, Rui Shi, Silin Chen, Yue He, Minjuan Zhao *. Analysis of the factors influencing the water-energy-food system stress in China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023: 1-17.
[101] Rui Shi, Liuyang Yao, Minjuan Zhao *, Zheming Yan. The role of climate-adaptive technological innovation in promoting agriculture carbon efficiency: impact and heterogeneity in economic development[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(60): 126029-126044.
[102] Siyang Zhang;Xianxiong Xie;Yu Luo;Xiaoqi Liu, Minjuan Zhao *. The influence of asset specificity on farmers’ willingness to participate in fallow from the perspective of farmer differentiation.[J]. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2023, 11: 1107545.
[103] Yuxing Shi, Chaoqiong Li, Minjuan Zhao *. Public willingness to pay for farmland non‐point source pollution governance toward sustainable development: A choice experiment in Gansu, China[J]. Sustainable Development.
[104] Chaoqiong Li, Minjuan Zhao *, and Yuxing Shi. Farmers’ preferences for diversifying compensation policy for mulch film pollution control: A discrete choice experiment in Northwest China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 416: 137962.
[105] Xianxiong Xie;Hang Xu;Wen’e Zhang, Minjuan Zhao *. What government interventions are effective in regulating the use and recycling of high-standard mulch film in China?[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(52): 112144-112158.
[106] Xianhui Hou;Yuqing Yin;Xin Zhou;Minjuan Zhao *;Lan Yao;Daojun Zhang;Xiangdong Wang;Chuyu Xia.Does economic agglomeration affect the sustainable intensification of cultivated land use? Evidence from China[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 154: 110808.
[107] Yuxing Shi,Chaoqiong Li, Minjuan Zhao *, Qi Ni. Psychological distance and physical distance induced residents’ heterogeneous willingness to pay for transboundary watershed ecosystem services in the Wei River Basin, China[J]. Environmental Management, 2023, 72(6): 1259-1276.
[108] Yuxing Shi, Chaoqiong Li, and Minjuan Zhao *. Behavioral mechanism of herders to maintain forage-livestock balance: an explanatory framework and empirical test incorporating emotions and desires[J]. Current Psychology, 2023: 1-17.
[109] Siyang Zhang;Xianxiong Xie;Xiaoqi Liu, Minjuan Zhao *. Effects of land recuperation on farmers’ social capital: a Chinese field analysis[J]. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 2023, 21(1): 2210990.
[110] Wene Zhang;Aftab khan;Yu Luo;Tian Qi Minjuan Zhao *. How do risk preferences influence forage planting behaviors among farmers in the agro-pastoral ecotone of China?[J]. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2023, 7: 1252626.
[111] Yongwang Zhang, and Minjuan Zhao *. Regulation and decarbonization: how can environmental regulations more effectively facilitate industrial low-carbon transitions?[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(40): 93213-93226.
[112] Yujie Shen, Wenting Kong, Rui Shi, Ruirui Du, Minjuan Zhao *. Farmers’ adoption behavior of conservation tillage technology: a multidimensional heterogeneity perspective[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(13): 37744-37761.
[113] Shujun Cheng, Guobao Song, Di Yang, Liuyang Yao, Zhide Jiang, Minjuan Zhao *. Spatial–temporal and structural differences in the carbon footprints embedded in households food waste in urban and rural China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(12): 35009-35022.
[114] Shi Yuxing, Chaoqiong Li, Minjuan Zhao * Can grassland rental achieve a win-win situation between livestock production and grassland ecological conservation? Evidence from pastoral areas in Northern China[J]. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2023, 66(12): 2487-2512.
[115] Yu Cai, Qi N, Minjuan Zhao *. Informal institutions moderate the relationship between environmental emotion and grassland governance behavior[J]. Environmental Management, 2023, 71(2): 405-420.
[116] Chaoqing Chai, Bangbang Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, Wenhao Niu, Weiwei Zheng, Xiangbin Kong, Qiang Yu, Minjuan Zhao *, Xianli Xia. A new multi-dimensional framework considering environmental impacts to assess green development level of cultivated land during 1990 to 2018 in China[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2023, 98: 106927.
[117] Yuxing Shi, Chaoqiong Li, Minjuan Zhao * . The effect, mechanism, and heterogeneity of grassland rental on herders' livestock production technical efficiency: evidence from pastoral areas in Northern China[J]. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023, 25(12): 14003-14031.
[118] Yao Zhang, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Swallow B, Minjuan Zhao *. Coupling coordination analysis of China's water resources utilization efficiency and economic development level[J]. Journal of cleaner production, 2022, 373: 133874.
[119] Xianxiong Xie, Yu Cui, Liuyang Yao, Qi Ni, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Minjuan Zhao *. Does fallow policy affect rural household income in poor areas? A quasi-experimental evidence from fallow pilot area in Northwest China[J]. Land Use Policy, 2022, 120: 106220.
[120] Yu Cui, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Johannes Sauer, Minjuan Zhao *. Exploring the spatiotemporal heterogeneity and influencing factors of agricultural carbon footprint and carbon footprint intensity: Embodying carbon sink effect[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 846: 157507.
[121] Aftab Khan, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Muhammad Abu Sufyan Ali, Arshad Ahmad Khan, Minjuan Zhao *. Prioritizing stakeholders’ preferences for policy scenarios of vulnerable ecosystems with spatial heterogeneity in choice experiment: coupling stated preferences with elevation[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 310: 114757.
[122] Deng Yue, Cui Yu, Khan, Sufyan Ullah, Minjuan Zhao *, Lu Qian. The spatiotemporal dynamic and spatial spillover effect of agricultural green technological progress in China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022: 1-15.
[123] Khan Sufyan Ullah, Guo Xinhua, Hu Jianhua, Khan Arshad Ahmad,, Minjuan Zhao *. Who cares and how much? Narrative for advances in aquatic ecosystem services through non-market valuation with spatial dimensions using a discrete choice experiment[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 337: 130603.
[124] Yu Cui, Khan Sufyan Ullah, Yue Deng, Minjuan Zhao *. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity, convergence and its impact factors: Perspective of carbon emission intensity and carbon emission per capita considering carbon sink effect[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2022, 92: 106699.
[125] Weinan Lu ,Sarkar Apurbo, Hou Mengyang, Liu Wenxin, Guo, Xinyi, Zhao Kai, Minjuan Zhao *. The impacts of urbanization to improve agriculture water use efficiency—an empirical analysis based on spatial perspective of panel data of 30 provinces of China[J]. Land, 2022, 11(1): 80.
[126] Jian Kang Minjuan Zhao *. Performance evaluation model of agricultural enterprise technology innovation based on GA-BP neural network[J]. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022, 2022.
[127] Jian Kang, Minjuan Zhao * The Impact of Financial Development on Agricultural Enterprises in Central China Based on Vector Autoregressive Model[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2022, 2022.
[128] Jian Kang, Minjuan Zhao *. Agricultural Economic Evidence and Policy Prospects under Agricultural Trade Shocks and Carbon Dioxide Emissions[J]. Journal of environmental and public health, 2022, 2022.
[129] Yao Zhang, Wenxin Liu, Sufyan Ullah Khan,Minjuan Zhao *. An insight into the drag effect of water, land, and energy on economic growth across space and time: the application of improved Solow growth model[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29(5): 6886-6899.
[130] Siyang Zhang, Xianxiong Xie, Minjuan Zhao *. Asset specificity on the intention of farmers to continue land recuperation: Based on the perspective of farmer differentiation[J]. Land, 2021, 10(6): 603.
[131] Yuxing Shi, Yu Cai, Minjuan Zhao *. Social interaction effect of rotational grazing and its policy implications for sustainable use of grassland: Evidence from pastoral areas in Inner Mongolia and Gansu, China[J]. Land Use Policy, 2021, 111: 105734.
[132] Yuxing Shi, Chaoqiong Li, Minjuan Zhao *. Herders' aversion to wildlife population increases in grassland ecosystem conservation: Evidence from a choice experiment study[J]. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 30: e01777.
[133] Chaoqiong Li, Yuxing Shi, Qi Ni, Minjuan Zhao *. Effects of social interactions and information bias on the willingness to pay for transboundary basin ecosystem services[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 296: 113233.
[134] Chaoqiong Li,Yuxing Shi, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Minjuan Zhao *. Research on the impact of agricultural green production on farmers’ technical efficiency: Evidence from China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28: 38535-38551.
[135] Rui Shi, Yu Cui,Minjuan Zhao *. Role of low-carbon technology innovation in environmental performance of manufacturing: evidence from OECD countries[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28: 68572-68584.
[136] Siyang Zhang, Minjuan Zhao *, Qi Ni . Modelling farmers’ watershed ecological protection behaviour with the value-belief-norm theory: a case study of the wei river basin[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(9): 5023.
[137] Sufyan Ullah Khan,Yu Cui ,Minjuan Zhao *. Tracking sustainable development efficiency with human-environmental system relationship: An application of DPSIR and super efficiency SBM model[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 783: 146959.
[138] Qi Ni, Cai Y, Xu T, Minjuan Zhao *. ‘What if I feel it is mine?’–The impact of psychological ownership on public participation in China's transboundary watershed eco-compensation[J]. Water Policy, 2021, 23(3): 700-717.
[139] Qi Ni, Minjuan Zhao *, Chaoqiong Li, Yuxing Shi, Tao Xu, Imran Khan. Multidimensional trust and its impact on the willingness to pay for ecological compensation in China's transboundary watersheds—taking the largest tributary of the Yellow River as an example [J]. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2021, 64(12): 2257-2275.
[140] Yu Cui, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Yue Deng, Minjuan Zhao *. Regional difference decomposition and its spatiotemporal dynamic evolution of Chinese agricultural carbon emission: Considering carbon sink effect[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28: 38909-38928.
[141] Yue Deng, Apurbo Sarkar, Yu Cui, Qian Lu, Minjuan Zhao *, Jiban Chandro Das. Ecological compensation of grain trade within urban, rural areas and provinces in China: a prospect of a carbon transfer mechanism [J]. Environment Development and Sustainability, 2021: 1-25.
[142] Boyang Zhou, Wenxin Liu, Weinan Lu, Minjuan Zhao *, Linfei Li. Application of OECD LSE Framework to Assess Spatial Differences in Rural Green Development in the Arid Shaanxi Province, China [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17,286.
[143] Imran Khan, Hongdou Lei, Ihsan Muhammad, Minjuan Zhao *. Do residential localities matter? Revisiting preference heterogeneity and ranking of ecological attributes of an inland river basin [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 763: 142970.
[144] Jiyao Liu, Minjuan Zhao *, Liuyang Yao, Wenxin Liu, Gongyuan Fan. Evaluating the value of ecological water considering water quality and quantity simultaneously [J]. Water and Environment Journal, 2020, 34(S1).
[145] Muhammad Abu Sufyan Ali, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Aftab Khan, Arshad Ahmad Khan, Minjuan Zhao *. Ranking of ecosystem services on the basis of willingness to pay: Monetary assessment of a subset of ecosystem services in the Heihe River basin [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 734:139447.
[146] Sufyan Ullah Khan, Guobin Liu, Minjuan Zhao *, Hsiaoping Chien, Qian Lu, Arshad Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Abu Sufyan Ali, Misbahullah. Spatial prioritization of willingness to pay for ecosystem services. A novel notion of distance from origin's impression [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(3):1-13.
[147] Yao Zhang, Wenxin Liu, Yu Cai, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Minjuan Zhao *. Decoupling analysis of water use and economic development in arid region of China -Based on quantity and quality of water use [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 761(2).
[148] Yu Cai, Minjuan Zhao *, Yuxing Shi, Imran Khan. Assessing restoration benefit of grassland ecosystem incorporating preference heterogeneity empirical data from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2020,117.
[149] Yu Cui, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Zhixue Li, Minjuan Zhao *. Environmental effect, price subsidy and financial performance: Evidence from Chinese new energy enterprises [J]. Energy Policy, 2020, 149, 112050.
[150] Yu Cui, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Yue Deng, Minjuan Zhao *, Mengyang Hou. Environmental improvement value of agricultural carbon reduction and its spatiotemporal dynamic evolution: Evidence from China [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 754(7398).
[151] Imran Khan, Minjuan Zhao *. Water resource management and public preferences for water ecosystem services: A choice experiment approach for inland river basin management [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 646:821–831.
[152] Imran Khan, Khan Sufyan Ullah, Minjuan Zhao *, Khan Arshad Ahmad. Exploring the spatial heterogeneity of individual preferences for integrated river basin management: an example of Heihe river basin [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 7(26): 6911-6921.
[153] Khan Sufyan Ullah, Imran Khan, Minjuan Zhao *, Khan Arshad Ahmad, Ali Muhammad Abu Sufyan. Valuation of ecosystem services using choice experiment with preference heterogeneity: A benefit transfer analysis across inland river basin [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 679:126-135.
[154] Sufyan Ullah Khan, Imran Khan, Minjuan Zhao *, Hsiaoping Chien, Qian Lu, Muhammad Abu Sufyan Ali, Arshad Ahmad Khan, Shah Fahad. Spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem services: a distance decay approach to quantify willingness to pay for improvements in Heihe River Basin ecosystems [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(24).
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[156] Ping Liu, Yin Runsheng, Minjuan Zhao *. Reformulating China's ecological restoration policies: What can be learned from comparing Chinese and American experiences? [J]. Forest Policy and Economics, 2019, 98:54-61.
[157] Natuya Zhuori, Yu Cai, Yan Yan, Yu Cui, Minjuan Zhao *. Does social support affect the health of the elderly in rural China? A meta-analysis approach [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 18(16):3471.
[158] Wenxin Liu, Minjuan Zhao *, Tao Xu. Water Poverty in Rural Communities of Arid Areas in China[J]. Water, 2018,4(10):505.
[159] Aregay Fanus Asefaw, Minjuan Zhao *, Tao Xu. Knowledge, attitude and behavior of farmers in farmland conservation in China: an application of the structural equation model [J]. Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 2018, 61(5):1-23.
[160] Imran Khan, Minjuan Zhao *, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Liuyang Yao, Arif Ullah, Tao Xu. Spatial heterogeneity of preferences for improvements in river basin ecosystem services and its validity for benefit transfer [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 93:627-637.
[161] Imran Khan, Minjuan Zhao *, Sufyan Ullah Khan. Ecological degradation of an inland river basin and an evaluation of the spatial and distance effect on willingness to pay for its improvement [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 31(25): 31474 -31485.
[162] Wenxin Liu, Minjuan Zhao *, Wei Hu, Yu Cai. Spatial-temporal variations of water poverty in rural China considered through the KDE and ESDA models [J]. Natural Resources Forum, 2018, 4(42):254-268.
[163] Liuyang Yao, Junfeng Deng, Robert J Johnston, Imran Khan, Minjuan Zhao *. Evaluating willingness to pay for the temporal distribution of different air quality improvements: Is China's clean air target adequate to ensure welfare maximization? [J]. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2018, 1-18.
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[165] Hengtong Shi, Minjuan Zhao *, Fanus Asefaw Aregay, Kai Zhao, Zhide Jiang. Residential Environment Induced Preference Heterogeneity for River Ecosystem Service Improvements: A Comparison between Urban and Rural Households in the Wei River Basin, China [J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2016, 2016:1-9.
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[167] Minjuan Zhao *, Tao Xu, Hengtong Shi, Liuyang Yao, Bingyang Liu and Qian Lu. Ecosystem Service Valuation of Watershed Restoration in the Shiyang River Basin under Heterogeneous Preferences [J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2015, 6(6):405-411.
Email: zhaomj@xaufe.edu.cn